
Friday, August 30, 2019

Narrative Witting/Future

Narrative Writing.
For the past weeks we have all been writing a story, Our story is based on our PBL question, What will the future ask of us. We had a plan to fill out witch had questions like, Who are the characters? What is the problem? How do they solve it? We planed quite a lot with our writing groups, like what will the future have, Writing your story's about climate change, Over population, Robots and more things. I decided that i was going to do my storeys about, Climate Change, Robots to,  It was about a girl who loved climate change, she stayed  with people who liked climate change to, She would write notes to her family about what was going on.  That's my story on the future.
Have you ever write a story like this?

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Winter sport 2019

Winter sport 2019
For some of term 3 & some of term 4 we have been heading town to winter sport, I tried for the netball team, I got in the B team, I was pretty happy with the resulted, We would head down on a Thursday afternoon to hagley park, once we arrived we ate some food/lunch, We headed over for our game, our team did good but we lost most our games, I really enjoy Thursday sport, next time  want to trial better.
This is the first week we haven't gone to Thursday sport, its pretty good cause we can get some work done.
Does your school do Thursday sport?

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Novel Study!

Hello Welcome Back!
For the last couple of weeks we have been reading books, we are in these groups with people who are reading the same book as us. We had a couple of questions to answer, (Some of them not done cause we weren't sure of them) This week i have been reading, Jonty and choc.
Heres some of the questions
Have you ever read this book?

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Narrative Writing 📜🔰

Welcome back!!!!!
This week for my writing workshop we have been planing out a narrative writing! next week we are going to start writing our story.  We started to brainstorm ideas about the future, designer babies, climate change, robots, also more. 
Here is a picture of my plan so far!
Have you ever done a peace of writing like this?

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Reading WS (Workshop) 📗📜

Welcome Back!
For this week our Goal was, Independently predict, interpret and analyse text, 'reading between the Iines' to gain a deeper meaning. When looked at a couple of words that also meant inferring, Like reading between the lines, also more.
Here is a picture!

Have you ever read this book?

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Reading Create task

Welcome back! 
For this week we have been working on visualising for Reading,  We had  to write what the author said and what we visualise. 
Here my finished work!
What about Reading do you like? 

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Science experiments 🔭🔨

Science experiences! 
Over the course of 4 weeks we having been doing science experiments, We Are still going on them, we have been rotating in home-bases, So far my home-base We have gone to 2 rotations, We started of with our home-base teacher. First we did the heart, With the heart rotation we started to find our heartbeat on our wrist or on our neck, After we had found it we ran on the spot super fast,  We quickly sat down and counted how many beats we had in 10 seconds. Then we ran even faster, witch we had more heartbeats, I learnt a lot about the heart in our first lesson. Next we had the water cycle, in this we learnt about the rotation of the water cycle and how it happens., The water evaporate's, that makes condensation, and then it will rain back down, Called perception! After that we were given a plastic bag, we write the water cycle on the bag, we filled up the bag, after the few days we watched the water cycle happen.

Have you ever done a science Experiment?