
Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Pool day 2019!🏊🏁

Pool day 2019!🏊🏁
Hello Readers, Welcome back to anther post!
Today i am going to talk about pool day.
We left school at around 11 clock at got we were on our way to the pools, (This is a end of year event!)
Bye the time we were there it was like 11.15, (we got to get in the pool at 11.30) As we got there we were aloud to have a snack, we got changed  and made sure we put on sun screen. While we were sitting down they told us that we were aloud to go on the water slide but it was 1 year group at a time, So year 7s might go first then years 8s, to go on the water slide we got to put on wristbands. As we were there the weather started to change a bit, it wasn't a very nice day to swim in a outside pool.

The Temperature when we were there was like 15 degrees, which made the pool really cold, as we were there we had the choice to go in the water or get out and get changed, me and my friends were in the water for about a hour going on and of the water slide, I Enjoyed this years pool day even though it was cold, cant wait to do it next year.

Have you ever swam in a cold pool on a cold day?

Poem 2019 📗📘📙

Poem 2019 📗📘📙
Hello Readers, Welcome back to another blog post!
Today i am talking about my poem that I  have written!
This week for our writing Workshop we have had to write a poem the options were,
Limerick, Haiku Cinquain and using comparisons in poetry.
I Chose to write a limerick, In a limerick you have to have five sentences, and the 1 2 and 5 have to rhyme, and the 3rd and 4th have to rhyme. In our poem we had to write about our culture or a fun time, i write about a fun time. -Going camping
Here is my Poem

Its quite small so here it is in words: 
The wind blows in the air, 
Like the sand in my hair,
The sun blinds my sight, 
As I star gaze at night, 
I sit in my beach chair wishing i was still there. 

What poem would you like to write?

Summer Learning journey

Summer Learning journey!
Hello Readers,
Welcome back to another post!
Today im talking about summer learning journey, Summer learning journey is when you write a blog post and in the blog post you do the activity, Like one could be to write about someone famous, And when you do a activity these people get paid to comment on your post, so its really just a easy way to get comments on your blog!
In activity one we  had to chose someone to write the blog about I choose lorde, Our activity was to Write 6 facts on a google drawing and Insert a picture.
Heres my Work!

Have you ever heard of lord?